august, 2023
Event Details
CT in Primary Care Veterinary Medicine Approved for one hour California Statutory CEU **Click Here
Event Details
CT in Primary Care Veterinary Medicine
Approved for one hour California Statutory CEU
**Click Here to RSVP**
Objective: This presentation will review multiple applications for CT in primary care veterinary medicine. Relevant case studies will be used to enable the veterinary audience to identify applicable patients in their practice. The advantages of CT over other imaging modalities will be summarized, and the financial considerations for multiple imaging modalities will be contrasted to help veterinarians make sound fiscal decisions.
Speaker: Dr. Jonnie Quantz, DVM
Bio: The speaker is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Quantz started her veterinary career as a Captain in the United States Army Veterinary Corp. After her tour of duty, she began a 30+ year career in the ER, completing a residency in Emergency and Critical Care in 2008. Life in the ER gave her a deep appreciation for all things diagnostic. Dr. Quantz was the principal author on a paper published in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care which used ultrasound to identify gall bladder wall edema as a biomarker of canine anaphylaxis. For the last 15 years, Dr. Quantz has focused on the use of CT as an imaging modality in veterinary medicine, and is currently the Chief Medical Officer for Mobile Animal CT.
(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Citrus Cafe of Tustin
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