april, 2022
11apr12:30 pm1:30 pmSCVCES- Intestinal Parasites of Dogs: A Changing Perspective
Event Details
Intestinal Parasites of Dogs: A Changing Perspective **Click Here** to register
Event Details
Intestinal Parasites of Dogs: A Changing Perspective
**Click Here** to register
**Approved for one hour California Statutory CEU**
Michael W. Dryden
University Distinguished Professor Veterinary Parasitology
Dr. Dryden’s primary research focus has been the biology and control of fleas and ticks infesting dogs and cats. The “Flea and Tick Team” has conducted numerous laboratory and in-home evaluations of these products in Manhattan KS and Tampa FL and field studies at the Konza Prairie Biologic Station.
A second area of research includes investigations into the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of gastrointestinal parasite in dogs and cats. Several studies have been completed including studies detailing the severity of parasite contamination of the environment, prevalence of parasite infestations in greyhounds in Kansas and development of anthelmintic resistance. A major focus of this research is evaluating fecal diagnostic techniques. Additional projects have included evaluating various diagnostic and treatment options for Giardiasis.
The combined research efforts have received both National and International recognition with over 140 published papers, 12 book chapters, and over 100 scientific presentations at national and international meetings. He has lectured in 22 countries, presenting > 1,000 invited seminars at local, regional, national and international meetings.
(Monday) 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Allyne Moon, RVT, CCFPmembershipdesk@scvma.org 5576 Corporate Ave, Cypress, CA 90630
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