
Classified Ads

The classifieds are open to Members and Non-Members. Rate includes online, printed and electronic listings – website posting within 72 hours.

Membership Directory

The SCVMA membership directory allows you to search by hospital name or doctors by name.

Pulse Magazine

Pulse is the official magazine of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association. The monthly publication reaches more than 2,700 veterinarians, animal health technicians and veterinary office staff in Southern California.

Affinity Partners

Each of our Affinity Partners has been approved by our Board of Trustees.  They provide services to the benefit of our members that are integral to practice or personal success.  Many of them offer significant discounts and savings ONLY to SCVMA members.

Gives Back

The SCVMA works with numerous animal related non-for-profit organizations throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties.  You can click here to see our schedule of upcoming events or email for additional information.

Recorded Webinars

Webinar recordings are digital zoom copies of live webinars that provide CE in a wide range of topics, highlighting the veterinary profession.

Other Resources

Free Merck Veterinary Manual
Looking for the FREE Veterinary Merck Manual, document, article, discussion, resource, information, picture, or just plain looking.  This is the place to look.